Monday, November 23, 2009

corregido)) Compare contrast essay

Distance education vs Traditional education.

Nowadays, people have different options concerning educational modalities. For example, traditional education and distance education. In the first one, the students go to a school, they have classes in a classroom and a schedule. In the second one, it is not necessary to go to a school, the students organize their schedule and their classes are on-line, on video, etc. Both modalities seem to be good options. Even though, each one has advantages and disadvantages concerning the time, accessibility, cost, certification, interaction, etc. So, people should take this aspects into consideration before choosing between distance education or traditional education.

Distance education seems to be a good option because it has many advantages. For example, it is not necessary to go to a specific place to study. The courses can be taken at home, at work or any place. As consequence, students do not waste time or spend money to travel to school. Also, it is possible to live in one place and virtually study in another place. For example, people who lives in Mexico can take online courses from Canada. Another advantage is that students are able to organize their schedule. So, they can study at any time. However, this modality has some disadvantages. For instance, there is not much interaction. So, students are not immediately assessed by the teacher. It requires more self-discipline from them because they are responsible for their own learning. In most cases, distance education is more expensive than other modalities and some sources are not certified. (Distance Learning Collegue Guide, 2009).

Traditional education has advantages and disadvantages as well. As an advantage , there is more interaction among students and the teacher. In consequence, students can immediately receive feedback, give comments, ask questions, etc. Also, they can learn from the teacher and from their classmates. In most cases, traditional system is cheaper than other modalities. In almost all courses, students receive a certification. On the other hand, this modality requires to go to an specific place. So, students spend money and time when traveling to school. If they want to study in other country or city they would have to move to that place. Another disadvantage is that it is required to study in a specific time and some times, people can not study in a traditional system because they work and they do not have enough time.

Both options (distance and traditional education) have positive and negative aspects. To choose one of them will depend on the students needs ans possibilities. Nowadays, the interest in distance learning has increased because the use of technology. Also, more people are interested in this modality because they do not have time to study in a school with anspecific schedule. However, the best option will be a combination of both, live and distance classes. So, people can save money, organize their schedule, take distance and live classes. But the most important, to take advantage of time and technology with the benefits of interaction and guidance from the teacher.

Distance Learning Collegue Guide, 2009. Advantage and disadvantage of distance learning. Distance Learning Collegue Guide. Retrieved November 20, 2009. From

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