Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Argumentative essay pro1 +pro+2 con (corrected).

(corrected) Euthanasia and Assisted suicide: Should people be forced to stay alive?

Should people be forced to stay alive?. It is an interesting question because of the different points of view. People have a lot of comments regarding euthanasia and assisted suicide. Even though the most important comments that have to be taken into consideration are that ones that come from the person who request this alternative. For example, patients with terminal illnesses. Only they know what they are feeling and suffering, so only they should decide if they want to request for this method. In some cases, like the comatose patients, the relatives of these people should also have the right to select this option but in controlled and specific situations previously analyzed by a jury. Before to analyze possible cases in which Euthanasia and assisted suicide, could be requested, it is important to explain the differences between both. The first one is when the doctor or another person causes the death of the patient. The second one is when the patient causes the death of himself with the collaboration of someone else (Rey, J. I. 2009).

Assisted suicide seems to be a good option for people with terminal a illness, It is pretty difficult for people to live in this situation. They do not have hope and they are suffering anyway. Sometimes the physical pain is immeasurable and unbearable because of the medicine, the medical treatment or the illness itself. Eventually, the life quality is too low, people are only suffering and waiting to die. People in this situation should have the opportunity to decide if they want to live in overwhelming pain, or they want to have a dignified death. But, the decision has to be taken by the patient not doctors, relatives or other people. On the other hand, if one accepts assisted suicide as a medical treatment for people with terminal illnesses, it would be a discriminatory fact, to deny this treatment to people that are mentally or physically incapacitated to request it. ( Marker, L. R. & Hamlon, K. 2009).

There are some cases in which the patient is not able to request the assisted suicide. For example, patients that are connected to a machine after a complication. Frequently, they will not be able anymore to "live" without being connected to a machine. Generally, patients and their relatives are advised about possible complications before it happens. So, they can take a decision as aware of the circumstances. In that way, they will have the right to decide if they want to consider euthanasia when they are connected to a machine. In other cases, like comatose patients, maybe they were not able to select this method, but in controlled and specific circumstances, their relatives should be able to request the Euthanasia. However, people say that is very difficult to control and to analyze each request. For example, in Netherlands, a 1990 government sponsored survey found that .8% of all death in this place were euthanasia deaths that occurred without a request from the patient. (Marker, L. R. & Hamlon, K. 2009).

People should not be forced to stay alive. Nowadays, Euthanasia and assisted suicide have been legalized just in a few European countries. In this places, patients with terminal illnesses have the right to have a dignified death instead of a low quality life. Also relatives of unconscious patients are able to request the euthanasia treatment. People who are involved in these kinds of situations should have the same right to request euthanasia or assisted suicide because only they now how hard is to deal with illnesses. However, these methods have to be controlled and each request should be analyzed before using it in order to avoid the use of them without a request form the patient or with different purposes but to relieve the overwhelming pain due to terminal illnesses.

Marker, L. R. & Hamlon, K. 2009. Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: Frequently Asked Questions. Internationaltasksforce. Retrieved November 3, 2009. From http://www.internationaltasksforce.org/faq.htm.

Rey, J. I. 2009. Suicidio asistido y eutanasia. El Abedul. Retrieved November 3, 2009. From http://elabedul.net/San_Alejo/2007/suicidio_asistido_y_eutana.php

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