Wednesday, November 25, 2009


compare contrast essay

Distance and traditional education

I. Introduction
a) different modalities.

II. Distance education
a) advantages
b) disadvantages

III. Traditional education.
a) advantages
b) disadvantages.

IV. Conclusion.
a) Both are good option.
b) a combination of both.

Monday, November 23, 2009

corregido)) Compare contrast essay

Distance education vs Traditional education.

Nowadays, people have different options concerning educational modalities. For example, traditional education and distance education. In the first one, the students go to a school, they have classes in a classroom and a schedule. In the second one, it is not necessary to go to a school, the students organize their schedule and their classes are on-line, on video, etc. Both modalities seem to be good options. Even though, each one has advantages and disadvantages concerning the time, accessibility, cost, certification, interaction, etc. So, people should take this aspects into consideration before choosing between distance education or traditional education.

Distance education seems to be a good option because it has many advantages. For example, it is not necessary to go to a specific place to study. The courses can be taken at home, at work or any place. As consequence, students do not waste time or spend money to travel to school. Also, it is possible to live in one place and virtually study in another place. For example, people who lives in Mexico can take online courses from Canada. Another advantage is that students are able to organize their schedule. So, they can study at any time. However, this modality has some disadvantages. For instance, there is not much interaction. So, students are not immediately assessed by the teacher. It requires more self-discipline from them because they are responsible for their own learning. In most cases, distance education is more expensive than other modalities and some sources are not certified. (Distance Learning Collegue Guide, 2009).

Traditional education has advantages and disadvantages as well. As an advantage , there is more interaction among students and the teacher. In consequence, students can immediately receive feedback, give comments, ask questions, etc. Also, they can learn from the teacher and from their classmates. In most cases, traditional system is cheaper than other modalities. In almost all courses, students receive a certification. On the other hand, this modality requires to go to an specific place. So, students spend money and time when traveling to school. If they want to study in other country or city they would have to move to that place. Another disadvantage is that it is required to study in a specific time and some times, people can not study in a traditional system because they work and they do not have enough time.

Both options (distance and traditional education) have positive and negative aspects. To choose one of them will depend on the students needs ans possibilities. Nowadays, the interest in distance learning has increased because the use of technology. Also, more people are interested in this modality because they do not have time to study in a school with anspecific schedule. However, the best option will be a combination of both, live and distance classes. So, people can save money, organize their schedule, take distance and live classes. But the most important, to take advantage of time and technology with the benefits of interaction and guidance from the teacher.

Distance Learning Collegue Guide, 2009. Advantage and disadvantage of distance learning. Distance Learning Collegue Guide. Retrieved November 20, 2009. From

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

OUTLINE Argumenative essay

Should people be forced to stay alive?: Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide.

Introduction. Should people be forced to stay alive?
1. Different points of view
2. It is the patient decision
3. Differences between Euhanasia and Assised suicide

Body pharagrap
1.- Terminal Illnesses.
2.- Patients decision.
3.- A discriminatory fact.

body pharagrap.
1.- Unconscious patients( previous decision
2.-Relatives decision.
3.-Death without patient´s request.

1.- People should not be forced to stay alive.
2.- People should have the right to decide.
3.- Euthanasia and Assised suicide treatments have to be controlled.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Argumentative essay pro1 +pro+2 con (corrected).

(corrected) Euthanasia and Assisted suicide: Should people be forced to stay alive?

Should people be forced to stay alive?. It is an interesting question because of the different points of view. People have a lot of comments regarding euthanasia and assisted suicide. Even though the most important comments that have to be taken into consideration are that ones that come from the person who request this alternative. For example, patients with terminal illnesses. Only they know what they are feeling and suffering, so only they should decide if they want to request for this method. In some cases, like the comatose patients, the relatives of these people should also have the right to select this option but in controlled and specific situations previously analyzed by a jury. Before to analyze possible cases in which Euthanasia and assisted suicide, could be requested, it is important to explain the differences between both. The first one is when the doctor or another person causes the death of the patient. The second one is when the patient causes the death of himself with the collaboration of someone else (Rey, J. I. 2009).

Assisted suicide seems to be a good option for people with terminal a illness, It is pretty difficult for people to live in this situation. They do not have hope and they are suffering anyway. Sometimes the physical pain is immeasurable and unbearable because of the medicine, the medical treatment or the illness itself. Eventually, the life quality is too low, people are only suffering and waiting to die. People in this situation should have the opportunity to decide if they want to live in overwhelming pain, or they want to have a dignified death. But, the decision has to be taken by the patient not doctors, relatives or other people. On the other hand, if one accepts assisted suicide as a medical treatment for people with terminal illnesses, it would be a discriminatory fact, to deny this treatment to people that are mentally or physically incapacitated to request it. ( Marker, L. R. & Hamlon, K. 2009).

There are some cases in which the patient is not able to request the assisted suicide. For example, patients that are connected to a machine after a complication. Frequently, they will not be able anymore to "live" without being connected to a machine. Generally, patients and their relatives are advised about possible complications before it happens. So, they can take a decision as aware of the circumstances. In that way, they will have the right to decide if they want to consider euthanasia when they are connected to a machine. In other cases, like comatose patients, maybe they were not able to select this method, but in controlled and specific circumstances, their relatives should be able to request the Euthanasia. However, people say that is very difficult to control and to analyze each request. For example, in Netherlands, a 1990 government sponsored survey found that .8% of all death in this place were euthanasia deaths that occurred without a request from the patient. (Marker, L. R. & Hamlon, K. 2009).

People should not be forced to stay alive. Nowadays, Euthanasia and assisted suicide have been legalized just in a few European countries. In this places, patients with terminal illnesses have the right to have a dignified death instead of a low quality life. Also relatives of unconscious patients are able to request the euthanasia treatment. People who are involved in these kinds of situations should have the same right to request euthanasia or assisted suicide because only they now how hard is to deal with illnesses. However, these methods have to be controlled and each request should be analyzed before using it in order to avoid the use of them without a request form the patient or with different purposes but to relieve the overwhelming pain due to terminal illnesses.

Marker, L. R. & Hamlon, K. 2009. Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: Frequently Asked Questions. Internationaltasksforce. Retrieved November 3, 2009. From

Rey, J. I. 2009. Suicidio asistido y eutanasia. El Abedul. Retrieved November 3, 2009. From

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Corrected essay My electronic literacy

The ICT (Information and communication technologies) are really important in modern life. Nowadays, people must deal with electronic tools and Internet at home, work and school. I started to use technology in high school. It was difficult to deal with it because It was something relatively new for me. Now, I am more familiarized with ICT, especially with electronic tools and Internet. However, I expect to gain knowledge in the use of Internet and computer programs because It is necessary to learn more about their characteristics, use and functions in order to become competitive in the academic and professional aspects.

Ten years ago, technology was something new almost for everyone The first electronic tools I had to use were Internet and word processors (computer application used for text-edition). I had used the application in the computer science class in high school. The objective of that subject was to learn how to use the tools of word processors in order to edit text-files. Also I was asked to do research with educational purposes in different school subjects. In 2001, I had the opportunity of studing the Associate Degree in Computer Science. Therefore, I learned to use Office, Photoshop, Coreldraw and computer operating systems such as MS-DOS, Windows and Linux. At the begining, it was difficult to learn so many things about technology because It was something relatively new for me. So, I had some problems, for example, I did not know how to save the files or how to do research on Internet. Eventually, I learned how to use It Even though it was not enough because Technology evolves too fast.

Nowadays, I am familiarized with ICT. Even though, I never considered the use of technology in order to learn a second language until I started to study the Bachelor and Arts in English Language Teaching. In which, I was asked to use wikis, blogs, on-line dictionaries, on-line books, web pages and forums. Now, I have realized how useful ICT are to improve a foreign language, because they get me closer to language through activities such as watching videos, talking with native speakers of English language, practicing writing in blogs, sharing experiences, expressing points of view, etc. Therefore, there are some functions and applications of electronic tools that I already know but there are others that I do not know yet. My strengths in electronic literacy are the use of blogs, on-line dictionaries, on-line books, forums, chats, messenger, e-mail, web pages and office applications. However, I do not know yet how to use wikis and Skype, how to create web pages, how to download or to upload files, etc. So, I would like to invest time in knowing and learning more regarding to functions, applications and usage of Internet and electronic tools.

I would like to be a digitally literate person. Digital literacy involves a working knowledge of current high-technology, and an understanding of how It can be used. (Wikipedia, 2009). I would like to invest my time learning more about digital devices, electronic tools and Internet. It really would help me to improve my professional and academic development. Internet offers a world of possibilities related to Education. I really would like to take advantage of that. My plan is to study an online Mastery Degree and an online Doctoral Degree related to education or Language. Also i plan to open a computer and English language school. So, I will need to know more about digital devices and technology in order to implement the necessary equipment and to know how to use it. Digital literacy is important. Digitally literate people have more opportunities of development in the academic and professional sectors.

I have learned a lot about technology. Notwithstanding, It was difficult to me to learn about ICT. I did not know anything regarding it. Through time, I have acquired experience in the use of digital devices, electronic tools, software, hardware and Internet. It has helped me in the academic and professional areas. I have used technology mainly to improve a second language and to do research. Definitely, ICT are something really important in today's world. People who does not have any experience related to Information and Communication Technologies, hardly, will adapt to the twenty-one century. For that reason, I want to learn absolutely everything about ICT. Also I would like to take advatage of internet regarding to education. I have started in the process of becoming an electronic literate person but it is a long way to the top because technology evolves every day.

Descriptive essay.

The exedra Aguascalientes.
The exedra is the most quaint, important place of the historical center of Aguascalientes. It is surrounded by a gorgeous garden and historical buildings like the exquisite, baroque cathedral, the astonishing government palace, the beautiful municipal palace and the elegant Morelos theater. It is a magic place that people usually visit on weekends and during local and national celebrations like the "Feria Nacional de San Marcos", the "Independence Day" and the "Day of the Dead". In the exedra, there are different important patriotic elements like the main column, the eagle (a representation of the national symbol of México) and the fountain (an amazing construction that commemorates to Manuel M. Ponce).

The unequaled square is located in the center of the exedra. The highfalutin, neoclassical, pink quarry construction designed by Roberto Álvarez Espinosa is divided into two sections. The first one is a splendid, semicircular wall dived just in the middle by an impressive, high column. It has approximately one hundred lovely, small pillars all over it. At the limits of the wall two gleaming lamps lucidly illuminate all the historical place. The second section is formed by two lineal walls that begin where the first section ends. Each one has approximately fifty exquisite, small columns and four quadrate pillars. At the end of the walls, two majestic lamps poetically create an incredible atmosphere.

The main monument is an impressive, colossal, ancient pillar and a statuesque eagle at the top. The solemn high, fluted column with an ionic capital is the base of the national symbol of México, a statue of an eagle finely and meticulously sculpted by Jésus F. Contreras. The illustrious eagle perched on a cactus , eating a snake is capriciously illuminated by the street lamp and the bright moon. Its wonderful, imposing wings elegantly extended represent the courage, tenacity and victory of Mexican people. In the quadrate, pink quarry base of the column, is the grave of the honorable José María Chávez, politician and governor of the Villa de Nuestra Señora de las Aguas Calientes.

The magnificent, semicircular fountain honors to Manuel M. Ponce, an important and distinguished musician and compositor of México. A peculiar, bronze plaque with his name can be easily observed, The majestic fountain is adjacent to the semicircular square. It is one of the most ancient and delightful pieces of architecture of the city. Its crystalline water clearly reflect the beautiful historical buildings, the main column, the diligent eagle, the leafy trees, the silver moon and the bright lamps. It seems like a colorful art painting. The lyrical fountain sounds creates a harmonious, relaxed environment. This is a stunning place to contemplate.

The exedra is a pleasant, magic square to visit in Aguascalientes. All its amazing architecture pieces, such as; the admirable eagle, the colossal column and the lovely fountain are the legacy of talented artists, distinguished sculptors and important architects like Jesús F. Contreras and Roberto Álvarez Espinosa. These wonderful monuments commemorate and honor historic icons like José María Chávez (governor of the Villa de Nuestra Señora de las Aguas Calientes) and Manuel M. Ponce (musician and compositor). All these aspects make of this place of Aguascalientes unique and adorable.

Descriptive essay

The exedra, Aguascalientes.

I. Introduction.
The exedra.
A magic place.
Patriotic elements.

II. The square.
The first section.
The second section.

III. The column.
The column.
The statue of an eagle.
José María Chávez.

IV. The fountain.
A monument to commemorate to Manuel M. Ponce.
The fountain water.
The fountain sounds.

V. Conclusion.
A place to visit.
The architecture pieces.
The historical icons.